From: Dave S., San Francisco,CA
Category: Miscellaneous Topics
Date: 25 Mar 2013
Time: 10:40:52 -0800
Remote Name:
The Movie: “Bullet to the Head.” I hate to keep harping on the hypocritical political gun control games going on in Washington, but I just remembered Hollywood’s new movie release ”Bullet to the Head” really isn’t showing disrespect for the 20 dead kids in Connecticut; It seems that it’s Hollywood’s way of showing their respect for the Congresswoman from Arizona who took a REAL bullet to her head. And here I was under the impression that Hollywood’s only out to make money! What a great PR idea: Naming a movie after Gabby Giffords: “Bullet to the Head!” Meanwhile, her husband Mark Kelly, appears not to be upset at all with a movie with an insensitive title like that!. He wants to control guns, instead! It sounds a little like he’s getting ready to run for President!